December 2018 - January 2019 Astrological Insights based on Jyotish planetary positions and movements. Siddha Astro Knowledge and Insight into the New Coming 2019 Year. How to catch a momentum and Transform Self and Relationships. How to improve realationships with oneself and the other and gain true spiritual confidence? In November 17, 2018, Venus turns direct, yet Mercury is turning retrograde. November - December 2018 time is the time to go back and retrospect relationships and communications, to analyse and contemplate self-love, level of inner confidence, a deeper understanding of own needs and wants, including the way we express them or communicate them, while in a partnership. This partnership can be business or personal. Due to Jupiter being in Scorpio, we are able to clearly observe own dimensions of sexuality and are able to notice the roots, transforming these roots and thus, our way of self-expression and sexuality. Spirituality and Sexuality are inseparable and are a natural way to express self. Perverted spirituality results in a perverted form of sexuality, and vice versa. This time is a specific astrological momentum. Most of the planets are concentrated in the constellations of Scorpio and Libra. It opens up a lot of potential for inmost realisations about relationships, self-love, self-respect, personal choice, and its grounds and the ways to deal with the inner and outer dramas wisely. With mars in Aquarius, gradually transiting into Pisces, helps us not to rush and see relationships beyond passions, lust and sexual attractions only. As well as helps us to realise deeper roots for our passions and certain attractions. It almost opens up a door to explore the spiritual aspect of sexuality and intimacy (two different, but interdependent aspects of our being). For the past several months, during the retrograde cycle of Venus, certain crucial points from the past have pointed out issues within ourselves related to these areas. And now we have gained more clarity and understanding about these aspects within ourselves and from the others. Venus will continue its direct motion through Libra into Scorpio through December-January months. Such a long stay in one sign means it is the best time to resolve inner aspects related to self-worth, self-love, relationships and get a deeper spiritual insight into these areas. It would mean that we would gain more clarity about our past patterns in relationships and will be able to transform inner traumas and distortions related to these patterns. It is one of the best times to resolve many stale issues related to emotions, childhood traumas around self-esteem, self-love, self-identity and gender roles. On a spiritual level, it means that it is one of the best times to cultivate inner clarity through stillness and equanimity, realising the transitory nature of relationships. Through the change we see permanence, and within the permanence we see a constant change. The most important is to learn to maintain inner stillness and observe the external change through it, staying untouched by the external phenomenon. Transformation is not necessarily about creating an external change. At first, we are to transform within, in order to manifest a desirable change outwards. When things change, allow the change to flow, sticking to the inner stillness and contentment. Do not entertain your mind with throughs and emotions related to any phenomena in your life. Do not try to hold onto the change or try to stop it. Hold onto the inner stillness and equanimity and you will realise the eternal. During these planetary positions and aspects, we have a chance to realise the connection between our vision, spirituality, love and connection and the true notion of truly compatible relationships that stretches further into the scope of practical living and sharing. Many relationships will undergo transformation, due to being unpractical or lacking connection or having an internal conflict or imbalance. True relationship is not just about love or sexual interaction only, but is also about a spiritual connection, like-mindedness and the sharing of the same vision for life (thoughts and ideas, for instance). Yet, even this might not be enough to have a truly balanced and content relationship for life. A balanced love partnership means having a coherent, mutually-fulfilling link between the spiritual, emotional and sexual aspects within the relationship as well as being able to apply these aspects in a practical way, in every day living, interacting, problem-solving and by equally maintaining and nurturing the long-term life vision. During this time of November 2018 - January 2019 we have an opportunity to analyse various aspects of our current relationships and to see, whether that corresponds with the vision for the relationships we would like to have. Such introspection is important, in order to combine the reality with the inner vision. A true relationship is a reflection of an inner balance or imbalance and is based on a level of understanding of self and one's ability to communicate this self to others. It is also about one's ability to practically combine various features/ characteristics of the self with the flow of living and sharing with the others. And it is not always that easy or even practically possible. In order to gain a deeper insight into relationships and the self, we are to drop all the previously gained social stereotypes and concepts, romantic ideas and sexual models of behaviour and see all our current connections, longings and relationships from the equanimous point of view, from the point of view of spiritual wisdom and understanding. We are to see the multidimensionality of relationships reflecting the multidimensionality of the self. The deeper we know the self - the clearer we are going to know what we want and how to build harmonious relationships with the other. Yet, the first step is always about the self - honesty to self, inner contentment, maturity and one's ability to communicate and express self clearly and directly to the other. These astrological aspects are helping us to realise that. If one is content, one is able to express self in a non-violent way and is able to create the balance around. On the other hand, if one is very distorted and imbalanced, all these imbalances will manifest in one's relationship with the other. All these distortions and inner unrefined aspects of the self will reflect on the quality of the relationship with the other. Jupiter in Scorpio marks a beginning of a deep transformational stage especially starting from the mid of December 2018, when the Sun moves into the sign of Scorpio and conjoins Jupiter. During the aspect of Mercury retrograde together with the Sun and Jupiter, it is one of the best times to contemplate and refine ancestral programs, victimisation programs and deeply rooted negative patterns of behaviour. Spiritual shifts, new experiences, deeper spiritual states are possible at this time. It is also one of the best times to let go of unnecessary relationships, friendships, business partnerships or to reconsider their role and or importance in our life. There can be changes in some families, related to the death of close relatives, inheritance issues, or a conception of a long-awaited baby. The interest in Astrology, unconventional spirituality and all the hidden knowledge will be on the rise. Some relationships, especially distant ones, may undergo changes. There can be a deeper realisation about current distant partners. Some may realise that another person is only a trigger for one's inner emotions of love and is necessary for the spiritual refinement. Such connections may stay only on a spiritual/ intellectual levels or develop into some new forms of a relationship without any need to be conditioned or institutionalised, being a source of inspiration and spiritual connection only. This is the time, when we are to refine the idealistic forms of emotional love and projections into the practical form of self-expression and the manifestation of the relationship, where we are able to grow and evolve together and share deeper levels of this self-expression. All the relationships that are idealistic or impractical may stay either on the same level without much progress or will be dissolved during this time. As a conclusion, there is a lot of room for contemplation and refinement in the areas of love, self-love, marriage, and partnership. And we will definitely come out a new person after this January 2019. ***************** **************** The year 2019 may become a year of revolutionary transformation for humanity, and all the wonders are yet to be discovered. This transformation will first of all, touch the areas of energy and resources and the way we are able to share them and utilise in a proper, organic way. This coming year could also bring a lot of transformation to the earth and its landscape. There may be floods and earthquakes that could much reshape some areas on the planet. It is the year, when religious/ spiritual institutions will undergo changes, and the way we express self spiritually may also change. There will be new spiritual and spirituality related scientific breakthroughs this year. Let's look ahead to the transformative and spiritually enriching year 2019 ahead. -Jivanmukti-
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AuthorJIVANMUKTI IS THE AUTHOR OF "SIDDHA PARAM-PARA: THE KEY TO BIO-SPIRITUAL IMMORTALITY " - A Rare Transmission Book on Kundalini Awakening process, Yoga, Samadhi, Absorption, Third Eye Activation, Shaktipat - Initiation, Spiritual Transformation, Light Body, Siddha Alchemy, Human Evolution & Immortality. Archives
June 2019