If one is unawares of the actual process of Kundalini Awakening, has imaginary ideas or someone else's delusional ideas about the process and exercises imagination, drug abuse or suspicious occult practices, or if there is a feeling of a foreign presence in the body it might be far from the real authentic Kundalini (Spiritual) awakening empowered through Siddha Param-Para and could be mistaken by an unawares person for the true Kundalini awakening.
Many a time, it could be spiritual (entity) possession or channeling or occult presence in one's life or through one's ancestral history that has shown up through spiritual practices or pilgrimage (visiting of the spiritual sites, temples, forests, etc.) or drug/ herbal stimulants abuse, interaction with suspicious spiritual people, claiming to be "gurus", "tantra masters", fakirs who use various magical tricks and rituals to attract more followers - spiritual slaves or mislead people by mesmerising them with the fakir-like tricks and promises. The majority of the currently proclaimed "spiritual masters and gurus" are none else but magicians, occultists or commercial teachers, employing lower tantra, sexual, fire or other tantra rituals for commercial and self-gratification reasons, for the growth of their movements, attracting and deluding people and promising to solve all their problems through astrology, tarot, magic, other occult means and rituals. Many a times, they are unawares themselves of the karmic consequences of their actions having on them and their followers and the amount of karmic entanglement created through such practices. Such entanglement is unfortunately realised (through negative physical and emotional states) only afterwards, when one feels empty, imbalanced, spiritually hungry, abused or stripped of energy and power, sick or poor and more confused than before. Spiritual theft and slavery are very widely-spread, yet hardly anyone realises it right away. People want to believe in spirituality of their imagination, yogic stories they read and other delusional ideas. In the name of spirituality, people entrust their lives, emotional, mental, spiritual energy to suspicious people, the "masters and gurus" of cults and road tantrics. It happens because the majority of people are on a look out for fast enlightenment, and magical powers, siddhis, supernatural abilities. They are driven by delusional yogic stories of the "charlatan self-proclaimed yoga masters" who came to the West in the 20th century and in the name of "yoga and enlightenment", created million dollar movements, spiritual corporations and hooked up half of the ignorant people onto drugs, spiritual stories and false knowledge and misled the other half by promising them fast enlightenment if they followed them. The result is that all these, now older generation of people are still confused and in search of the ways to navigate out of this delusion, hoping to truly realise who they are, find enlightenment and achieve the long-promised moksha. They are forced to continue their quest and spiritual shopping now through the new Age market of spiritual charlatan, occultists, magicians and spiritual frauds who belief in their own delusion simply because they felt a bit more than the rest of the ignorant population, read rare books or traveled and met some tantrics, babas or people in robes who claimed authority on spiritual science or mesmerised them into the belief that now they know more than the rest. Or they had a contact with astral entities that empowered their spiritual narcissism and deluded them into a believe that they have achieved something, and now have a "spiritual authority or mastery" on spiritual sciences of yoga, kundalini awakening, communication with the deceased ones and magic. Most of the supernatural powers people claim to get, or healing or psychic abilities people claim to have are abilities of the occult (hidden) entities ( elemental, astral other dimensional) entities to who such people connect through their occult or other suspicious practices in the name of true yoga or religion. These entities delude them into the belief of being enlightened, into the belief of being a messiah, a saint or a guru or a master. Yet, such channellers remain ignorant to the actual source of their newly discovered "power" and become slaves to such powers or abilities. They do not evolve spiritually but look for gratification deluding themselves by "offering healing help to others", thinking they do good to others. Such beings do not understand the way they involve themselves and those they try to heal into more karmic entanglements. They are not able to see karmic patterns and reasons of people's imbalances and disease and thus there is no true healing or a conscious shift that would lead to healing. Such healing has karmic implications. Such "wanna-be spiritual healers and teachers" essence is unrefined and thus false identity takes over their being and life, deluding themselves and others about their good intentions to teach "the truth", channel "the truth" , "heal or enlighten others". Such powers are not true yogic powers or higher Siddhis. If one's power comes through one's mature being and light essence without any mediumship such power is one's own spiritual achievement. If there is any mediumship, the power comes from entities, occult, control over the elemental forces, spirits, the occult world. The good news is that we have spirituality that resonates with the current age of delusion. That is why there is no point in spiritual shopping or search for anything true on the market of spiritual delusion. If one is mature enough, one will discover the truth and true guidance at the right time, free from spiritual ambitions and true guidance will manifest, no doubt. Such knowledge will come beyond words as a powerful Transmission that will smitten and shatter all the illusions and delusions of the past. Such knowledge is rare and can hardly be recognised by the majority among the prevailing dellusion and spiritual hallucination of the current age. It is impossible to change the world, neither it is required. The wise men, Siddhas and other true masters have long ago understood that the path to self-mastery and enlightenment is the path of simplicity, selflessness, self-refinement and non-interference unless this interference is to clear up certain obstructions on one's path and if no other way is possible. Thus, everything is right, no matter how strange it might appear to an unrefined mind. -Jivanmukti - on Kundalini Awakening, Spiritual Transformation, Third Eye Activation, Light Body Activation, Siddha Param-Para, Spiritual Kundalini Transformation, Spiritual Alchemy, Immortality, Siddha Yoga, Siddha Tantra, Authentic Spiritual Ways to Evolve.
True KUNDALINI awakening is the awakening of consciousness that is a conscious shift and an expanded awareness as well as at the same time the awakening of the upper glands and the whole upper chamber in the brain ( read more in detail in Siddha Param-Para book ( on https://www.siddhantayoga.com ).
The conscious shift happening through authentic Siddha Shaktipat and kundalini awakening results in the experience of equanimous blissful being - the Ultimate Reality of self unobstructed by thoughts or emotions of the current illusion. It is full absorption into one's being that appears to be neutral or empty and equanimous for the current gross-emotional reality. The third eye activation is not any separate gland activation but the activation of the entire inner chamber that is thalamus, hypothalamus-pituitary and pineal glands together as one inner core of the brain. This knowledge is the internal realisation I perceived as my own experience and being. This knowledge is far from any modern (mis) interpretation of the old scriptures, the New Age ideas on Kundalini Awakening, Chakras, Chakra Activation and other delusional misleading information currently circulating on the net. The activation of the upper glands means the activation of our higher intelligence - the way consciousness communicates with the body and the reality it creates for the self through the embodiment. Knowing this is the way to avoid the new age delusion and the misconception that are all over about the phenomena of conscious or kundalini awakening. The Kundalini awakening (Conscious Awakening) is to result in the actual gradual, yet smooth refinement, where one sees one's weaknesses/ distortions/ conditionings of the thought/ emotional nature and the root causes for one's current incarnation or embodiment on the earth. Through the evolutionary Kundalini Awakening one is to understand the main points of the process of the refinement and transformation and is to have guidance during the process. If the path is too complex, full of rituals, entanglements and does not empower one through one's inner being and the unconditional experience of self, such path should be questioned. Simplicity, selflessness, service and authenticity of teaching through direct Transmission are the main pillars of any authentic path to perfection and evolution. Knowingly or unknowingly in the name of kundalini awakening, spiritual awakening, third eye awakening and the activation of the light body that is currently almost entirely forgotten and completely known only to a handful of mature human beings, people submit themselves to spiritual charlatans, fakirs, misleading schools and gurus, and thus spiritual or occult slavery prevails. Moreover, such false knowledge is taken by the ignorant ones for " a path", "for a progress", for "an awakening", " for an enlightenment" that never happens or results in more delusion, confusion and spiritual anxiety. In the case of authentic spiritual awakening close one-on-one guidance and spiritual protection are a must. This guidance through direct Transmissions, verbal and non-verbal teachings and spiritual protection are called Siddha Param-Para in authentic Yoga, Siddha Yoga and Siddha Tantra. Authentic Siddha Shaktipat should result in the activation of the upper chamber, the activation and gradual alchemical transformation of the entire body and bodily systems that are to culminate in selflessness, inner simplicity, wisdom, blissful equanimous being and the entire rejuvenation, bio-spiritual enlightenment, longevity and possible immortality. This is the Siddha path. This path is not about any denial or restriction or limitations or extremes. It is a path, where one experiences self-awakening through a deep equanimous absorption into one's unconditional being. This Being becomes one's foundation for the further refinement and the foundation of self, out of which one enriches self and builds one's spiritual essence and energy. This happens because one realises the way the illusion operates through one's body, thoughts and emotions and refines self, having realised the root causes of the inner and outer reactions of self and thus gains mastery over the transitory aspects of self: the body, emotions and thoughts, and thus dwells in one's absorbed pure, equanimous, empty for the illusion blissful, space-like being that contains all and everything yet remains untouched by whichever phenomena that arise on the space of self in the form of waves. By having realised the illusion within the illusion one's entire perception of self, the reality, manifestation, and nature alters and brings one to the yoga - undifferentiated perception free of judgment, separation, division of the neutral reality into good bad or anything in between. In this age of Darkness, it is hard to tell the wheat from the weeds, yet once one experiences a true shift and the true kundalini (Conscious) awakening, one truly knows and feels an invisible connection within self with the power of Awareness and the Ultimate Being and thus, knows the Source of the Truth and recognises beyond words the power of true Transmission and guidance. This is the path of Siddha Tantra. There is much more to it, yet one is to discover it within the self, beyond words, through Transmission and own journey from self to Self. -Jivanmukti - on Kundalini Awakening, Spiritual Transformation, Third Eye Activation, Light Body Activation, Siddha Param-Para, Spiritual Kundalini Transformation, Spiritual Alchemy, Immortality, Siddha Yoga, Siddha Tantra, Authentic Spiritual Ways to Evolve. Before we help others we are to refine and realise who we truly are. Our purpose has nothing to do with obsessions or desire to be something or someone. When we emanate purity and pure equanimous being, our presence becomes a selfless tool for spontaneous healing and teaching. When we do not want to teach and heal we might emit the field that heals and teaches. Being purity is beyond any intention. It is our natural being that creates the shift. We are to refine all the intentions and see the reasons behind them. We are to detangle all the created images and identities of self first before we realise the blissful emptiness of self that is so fulfilling and complete.. People are to be motivated to find solutions and help. They are to be willing to change, to heal themselves. To help means to be asked for it, not to impose it or force it on others. Those who know they need help will search for it, will plead for it. Those who are in need are to be helped. Those who want to learn and know are to ask for it. Preaching and imposing violates the main principle of Yoga and Spirituality - Non-violence. Non-violence does not apply only to physical or verbal violation but does apply to spiritual and mental violation that include spiritual preaching, occult interference and other forms of spiritual or mental manipulation and imposition. Violence is a sign of ignorance. The root of violence is low self-esteem, low confidence level and victimisation - the roots of various mental and emotional imbalances, perversion and corrupt self identity. Wisdom comes through non-interference and the acceptance of the world as it is. Spirituality is a result of non-violence and neutral equanimous perception of the world. The same principle applies to any relationship be it business, love or spiritual partnership. We are to respect other people's will and their ways of being/ expressing self and their choices. Any imposition or control or violation in any form leads to a tremendous karmic bondage and (emotional, mental or spiritual) entanglement. Love comes from non-violence and can be only built on the principle of non-violence. It means full trust to one another. It means full trust to life and desire to see good in people. If one's boundaries are violated one is to choose not to be in such imbalanced or toxic relationships and is to realise ways to navigate out of them or ways to re-create it or find proper approach to communicate and improve the situation. Proper boundaries, respect of own self and others and acceptance of the own and other people's boundaries is a sign of healthy relationships that may become one's foundation for further spiritual growth and evolution. Authentic Spiritual Path is a path of non-violence and non-interference, where interference happens only in case one's service is needed and asked for. On this path one is to cultivate simplicity, non-judgment, acceptance, selflessness and inner purity and radiation. This is the essence of true Siddha Yoga, Siddha Path, Siddha Tantra and any form of authentic spiritual path irregardless names or locations. |
AuthorJIVANMUKTI IS THE AUTHOR OF "SIDDHA PARAM-PARA: THE KEY TO BIO-SPIRITUAL IMMORTALITY " - A Rare Transmission Book on Kundalini Awakening process, Yoga, Samadhi, Absorption, Third Eye Activation, Shaktipat - Initiation, Spiritual Transformation, Light Body, Siddha Alchemy, Human Evolution & Immortality. Archives
June 2019