Dear Jivanmukti
Thank you for this and for everything, I feel very grateful!
I received them on Friday. It's still early to tell but as soon as I put both on, I felt a bit overwhelmed for a while (as if about to "burst"!) but it didn´t last long. I especially like the parad for some reason.
Thank you for this and for everything, I feel very grateful!
I received them on Friday. It's still early to tell but as soon as I put both on, I felt a bit overwhelmed for a while (as if about to "burst"!) but it didn´t last long. I especially like the parad for some reason.
I have been wearing the beads since they came in and huge shifts are taking place. I feel that this is helping with the stress/block alot. I cannot thank you enough. I will be buying the other pieces you recommended when I save some money.
I sent money and a request for a one on one.
Thank you
Christine, Canada
I have been wearing the beads since they came in and huge shifts are taking place. I feel that this is helping with the stress/block alot. I cannot thank you enough. I will be buying the other pieces you recommended when I save some money.
I sent money and a request for a one on one.
Thank you
Christine, Canada
It was my pleasure, Jivanmukti. Thank you, and likewise.
I received the rudraksha beads today. They are very nice! I already notice the effects when I wear them.
And thank you also for the lingam.
Chris W. USA
Dear Jivanmukti
Many thanks!
So happy with the Rudraksha kantha! It works amazingly!
South Africa
Dear Jivanmukti, I received the beautiful beads this morning and had a chance to wear them all day. Also, the copper cup which I imagine is used for drinking water. I feel blessed and grateful to have these items. I notice that since I have been able to listen to your videos and now having these items, I feel a new sense of life in me. It's a beautiful thing. What I have noticed today is my mind being very quiet and focused. Also, lots of tingling sensations especially a light, warm buzzing that goes up my back and over my head. There has been a lot of sensations in my head lately. I have been feeling good and happy. But a happy in a calm way. I notice feeling like life is smooth. Also, if I have negative thoughts they don't seem to have much of an emotional charge....if any. Which is different for me. I do still experience some waves of heat. Also, a cold liquid like energy coming from my head and down my back. I know that learning from you has been one of the greatest gifts of my life. My gratitude runs deep.
Melanie, USA
Hi! I just received my order! Wow, I never thought they(Rudrakshas) would be so beautiful! They are really precious! I love them! Thank you so much!!! :))) Alfonso, USA
Thank you! I feel accomplished lol. ;) Ah yes I now see how the internal lingam and becoming the lingam is the main goal. After you mentioned absolute worship within it clicked. I have also been feeling that the more I wear the rudraksha the more they become a part of me. Sometimes I can smell them all over my skin after meditation. I will remain in equanimity and absorption more and more.... Jason H. USA
I feel like I'm making a lot of progress. I really feel the chakras in the soles of my feet buzzing and my legs feel full of energy. My Svadhisthana is opening up more and so is my Manipura. The Anahata has really made a whole lot of progress since my last communication with you. The fifteen Muki Rudraksha had a significant effect on the Anahata. The Vishuda is also responding well along with the Anja and Sushumna. I feel like my manipura is a critical point right now. I feel like it is lagging behind and would help drive some of the higher and lower chakras if it was stronger. My dreams have been more complex with more dream sequences. I've also noticed and increasing alertness and equanimity. I would like to know your thoughts on my manipura and if you could offer me a mantra. If you need more information then I'd be happy to answer some questions. And, I like to really Thank You. This is an amazing experience and I wish I could express how much this means to me. My initial donation was not enough. I will be submitting more in the near future. I'm very grateful. Sincerely,
Jason W, USA
Dear Jivanmukti, The Advanced Transmission Video is impressive. I immediately felt more alert, relaxed, and the next day I felt more vibrant. I had more kriyas after watching the video. I felt some snapping feelings along the spine, throat, a feeling of energy expanding the sternum, and a glowing feeling on the forehead. The lime and water seem to help cause more kriyas. I like that the lime water, lotus leaf tea, and chrysanthemum tea for meditation. I also have some herbal teas to support the liver and kidneys. I just purchased a 15 mukhi Rudraksha bead. Please cap in silver like the last two I purchase. Thank You for your guidance.
Jason W. USA
Dear Jivanmukti,
I can't express my joy when i opened the box from you, it was like Christmas :D There might be a problem!? Customs opened the box, how can i know if they touched my Rudrakshas?
Thank you so much, i discovered inside the box a gift, a small Parad bead! I am reading on the site about it, but if there is any useful info u can provide for how to wear, when or...so on, info that aren't found on the site, please tell me.
I love the bags in which they are.
Thank you so much!!!!
C. Romania
Dear Jivanmukti, Your lessons have made a profound difference in my state of mind. I'm very pleased and wanted to donate a little more at this time. I've noticed more kriyas in the front part of my head since purchasing the nine and thirteen mukhi and also my Manipura seems to be filled with much more energy. I think I should spend a lot of time on my Anahata now, so I can fill the Cave of Brahman. I've read the Anahata has the largest torus field (energy field). I'm hoping it will be enough to unite the lower body and the upper body. I will continue working with my microcosmic orbits. I believe I'm making some real progress. I'd like to get a mantra from you. If you need more information, Please inquire.
Sincerely, Jason USA
Wow, i just have the Rudraksha for 3-5 minutes and i feel energized and blissful. I thank you! Once again I thank the Creator for sending you, Teacher! So i must say the mantra, when i remove them also? Wow, how i feel bliss!!
C. Romania